Top 5 mom and baby (or toddler) fitness activities

Looking for some terrific mom and baby fitness activities? Want to get moving with your baby but don’t know where to start? Here are five activities that can grow with your baby from infancy to school age.
1. Swimming

Swimming with your baby is a great activity for many reasons. Your child can begin to get comfortable in the water (or, if he already loves the water as many babies do, he can splash and kick to his heart’s content). Your baby will need a good swimsuit and swim diapers (and possibly a plastic diaper cover, depending on regulations at your pool). While there won’t be much actual swimming at first, it is exciting to watch your child acquire skill and confidence in the water. In just a few short years, she’ll be racing across the pool.
2. Cycling

Cycling is an activity that can be adjusted for children of almost any age. Use a baby seat or a bike trailer for a baby or toddler (check for manufacturer age, weight and developmental requirements). For preschoolers who are learning to ride a bike, consider a tandem attachment for your own bike, or let them follow you on a tricycle or balance bike. You might go slowly at first, but soon enough, they’re sure to outpace you!
3. Walking and Hiking

Going for long walks or day hikes can be enjoyed by babies of almost any age. Even a very young baby may be worn in an appropriate front carrier during a walk in the park. Older babies will do well in a baby backpack, while a toddler may spend ten minutes wanting to walk; then ten minutes in the backpack; then five minutes in your arms; then walking….but she’s having a good time figuring out what she wants. This is one of the easiest ways to get out and about with your baby.
4. Camping

Camping can be a big adventure for your baby (and for you, an excuse to get a bigger tent… a dome tent will feel downright luxurious after the cramped two-person tent you’ve been sharing with your honey). While it is probably not convenient to go backpacking in the wilderness for days at a time, hiking in a short distance to a designated campsite or car camping can be a great introduction to camping for your child. If you are going on a long drive, it can be a nice way to break up your trip and avoid the cost of a hotel. You might also consider getting a play tent beforehand to increase your baby’s comfort level.
5. Snowshoeing

Get out into the cold, crisp air with your baby. You can snowshoe while pulling him in luxury behind you on a ski trailer (or, if he’ll stay on it, a sled). Older children will enjoy snowshoeing themselves, as long as you’re prepared to go at their pace and grab a hot chocolate at the end of the trail. It’s a very Vancouver mom and baby fitness activity for the winter months.
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