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COVID 19: Isolation Pro Tips from Local Moms, Part 3


COVID 19: Isolation Pro Tips from Local Moms, Part 3

We truly are all in this together apart. Every mom (and dad) in isolation with their kids is coping alone but with virtual support from other moms, family and friends. We asked some local moms to share some isolation tips on things that work with their kids. This is Part 3 of a multi-part series! Stay tuned for more tips and hacks. Thanks to the participating moms. Consider following them on Instagram or visiting their blogs.

>> Check out Isolation Pro Tips Part 1

>> Check out Isolation Pro Tips Part 2

Isolation tips, activities & hacks from local moms

Sensory Bin

Set up a sensory bin. Sensory bins are perfect for toddlers to play with and easy to set up.  It also lets them spend some time to play with and learn as well.

>> Follow Vivian

Dance Party

This is a popular tip! Have a dance party! It helps to shake the anxiety away, bring smile to the kids, is a great exercise and you feel so good after. We do it twice a day! 🙂 

>> Follow Athenas

Create a schedule

Create a schedule for your children. Kids thrive on routine and feel more secure during this stressful time when they know what to expect each day. Plus they will know when screen times and snack times are so they will ask for those things less which makes parent-life easier!

Check out Brie’s blog >>

Celebrate cancelled events at home!

My pro tip for isolating with kids is to make the special things that you had planned still special. If you’ve had your kids excited for something that has now been cancelled, find a way to bring it home!  For instance, we were suppose to take our kids to Mexico for two weeks and they have BEEN so excited for there new summer clothes, swimming in the pool and treats. Wedidn’t want to disappoint so we brought the party to them still!  Maybe go camping in your backyard or still have that party you were going to have.

>> Follow Frugal and Frills

Tent City

Transform your home into something magical. Gather every extra sheet and blanket in your home, dig out those twinkle lights from Christmas and turn your living room into TENT CITY! (If you are just using sheets a simple thumb tack works great!)

>> Follow Stumbling Grace

Create an indoor garden

A very simple and time consuming project, planting one tiny seed in one tiny pot over and over! Afterwards you can make garden markers from popsicle sticks. 

>> Follow Stumbling Grace

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