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2013 Top 30 Vancouver Mom Bloggers: 7-12

2013 Top 30 Vancouver Mom Bloggers: 7-12

top 30 vancouver mom bloggers melissa bruntlett

In early May we asked you to nominate your favourite Vancouver mom blog for our fourth annual Top 30 Vancouver Mom Bloggers contest. You came through with over 240 nominations, naming more than 60 fabulous Vancouver-area mom bloggers. We reviewed them, we visited the blogs, and we deliberated over our decisions. It wasn’t easy, but we’ve narrowed it down to just 30. We believe you’ll be just as impressed as we are by the strength of the writing and the diversity of topics coming from these bloggers. This week we’ll be presenting the 2013 Top 30 Vancouver Mom Bloggers to you, in no particular order. Today we’re happy to share our second set of six.

Top 30 Vancouver Mom Bloggers: 7-12

Shannon Fisher of truthfully.catop 30 vancouver mom bloggers shannon fisher

Shannon sometimes poops in front of her husband, puts ketchup on her cereal, and gives lice to strangers. She has written on the web since 1998 when you could make a grilled cheese sandwich before your page loaded. At she writes about vulnerability, courage and mental health. At she has the entire web on a spreadsheet. Before dive-rolling into content strategy, Shannon spent nine years teaching small humans.

Melissa Bruntlett of Velo Family Diaries

top 30 vancouver mom bloggers melissa bruntlettMelissa Bruntlett lives in Vancouver where she spends most of her days balancing between volunteering as Co-Chair on the PAC (Parent Advisory Council) at her six year old daughter’s school, keeping her four year old son busy at the parks throughout the city, being a fashionista Sales Rep for a small eco-fashion agency, and everyday life as a mom. Along with all this, she is a bicycle enthusiast, working to promote riding bikes as a normal means of transportation in this increasingly bike-friendly city and beyond. In June 2012, tired of feeling like her car-free life with children wasn’t realistic, Melissa started her blog, Velo Family Diaries, where she writes about the triumphs and challenges of being a family that rides. Her goal is to show readers that it is possible to remain an active and mobile family without owning a car, and even have fun doing it!

Christine Nielsen of Whine & Cheesetop 30 vancouver mom bloggers christine nielsen

Christine Nielsen shares, “I am a mom of two little boys who is trying to survive life in the suburbs and parenting in my forties. Whine & Cheese was born by necessity – I needed an outlet to capture all the the highs, lows and in-betweens of everyday life and growing older. By day I am the Chief Beautification Officer at (I blog a bit there too!) – a business launched early in 2013 to help make small businesses and bloggers more beautiful! By night I drink and I blog, often at the same time.”

Marnie Goldenberg of Sexplainer

top 30 vancouver mom bloggers marnie goldenbergMarnie trained as a lawyer but has always preferred to use the skills for house buying and arguing for fun. Many years ago Marnie worked as a sexual health educator for Planned Parenthood of Toronto, and since then, when not working in senior leadership roles in the voluntary sector, she takes every opportunity to talk about sex to anyone who will listen. Since most young people are informed by mass media, porn and their peers, Marnie is particularly interested in supporting parents to raise sexually intelligent kids. She knows she can do better by her two kids and believes all parents can talk honestly and openly to support their children to make thoughtful decisions with health, safety and pleasure in mind. And who doesn’t want that for their kids?

Shira McDermott of In Pursuit of Moretop 30 vancouver mom bloggers shira mcdermott

Shira McDermott is the Vancouver blogger behind In Pursuit of More and the founder of a new non-profit organization called Not So Fast. In Pursuit of More is a blog dedicated to living with (just a little) less, and there Shira shares recipes for simple, healthy food as well as other lifestyle tips as well as quotes and inspiration with a less is more twist. As a working mother, wife, and life-long vegetarian, Shira is committed to promoting foods that are accessible, healthy, easy to prepare, and most of all delicious.

Shirley Weir of Menopause Chicks

top 30 vancouver mom bloggers shirley weirShirley Weir is a (Peri-) Menopause Chick! Frustrated by having her symptoms dismissed at the doctor’s office…overwhelmed by the amount of confusing info delivered by “Dr. Google”…and surprised by how taboo the topic remains to be, Shirley launched She is on a mission to “crack open the conversation” and to curate the best-of-the-best information available so women can navigate the ideal path for them. Menopause Chicks wants you to know three things: 1) It’s ok to talk about it, and the site will helps women of all ages feel empowered to have meaningful conversations–with your partner, doctor, kids–even your boss. 2) It’s never too early…or too late to learn about hormone balance & 3) While there may be controversy around hormone replacement therapy, there are plenty of options available–including lifestyle tweaks and alternative therapies. The key is to be informed so you can be your own best health advocate.

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