5 ways to be a happier, healthier mom

Whether you’re a working or a stay-at-home mom, it can feel impossible to stay on top of being a happier and healthier mom when it feels like all you have time for is helping your kids be healthy and happy. It’s crucial, though, to make time for things that rejuvenate, relax, and sustain your sense of self. it’s not just about getting by, it’s about getting back to you.
Get outside!
Make it a priority, even if you can only fit in a half hour walk outside. Go somewhere in nature that’s quiet and far from traffic, like Queen Elizabeth Park. There’s a reason they call it the “great outdoors”.
Make time for friends
Whether you go for drinks at the Shameful Tiki Room, grab a coffee at Revolver, or invite a group of ladies over for a no-kids-allowed party, it’s vital to take time for your pals. Our physical and mental health depends hugely on a sense of connection and community.
Get back to your passions
Being a mom doesn’t have to mean giving up on things you love. Whether it’s photography, crafting, running, or music, you CAN get back to fitting in time for the creative, life-giving hobbies that make you happy.
Intentional physical activity
Let’s be real. Scheduling in workouts at places like the Ride Cycle Club when you’re running between school picks-ups and soccer practice feels like the LAST thing you want to do. Exercise makes you feel good mentally and physically, though, so even if you can only fit it in a half hour a few times a week while the kids nap, try your best to make it happen.
Remember it’s okay to have bad days
Some days your patience runs out, you’re irritated at every little thing your child does, and all you want is to get back into bed and sleep. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Recognize that you’re feeling bummed, and move on knowing you’ll get through it.
Heather Maxwell Hall is a Vancouver-born-and-raised writer and journalism school grad who loves the arts, her little family, and the Pacific Northwest. She cultivates good vibes by going on long walks, taking pictures, and discovering new things.
This is essential!! And it’s crucial for all mothers – not just “working moms” to take care of themselves. Finding time to unwind, visit friends or even just sit in the quiet is necessary self care.