Have a love, hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions? Why not create some family resolutions that are doable, fun and might even bring your family closer together.
Easy to implement New Year’s resolutions
Put limits on screen-time with these easy ideas

We all know that less time on screens has huge benefits for all of us. There are reasonable ways to do this without making is a huge conflict.
- Screen-free zones: No screens at the dinner table or in the bedroom. This way meals aren’t interrupted by iPhones beeping and bedrooms are quiet and calming places for rest.
- Screen-free times: No screens before school or after 7 pm.
- Pre-screen activities: Get the kids to do a chore for 15 minutes, read for 20 minutes or play outside for 30 minutes (whatever you feel works) prior to screen-time.
- Screen-a-thon: Have a set time when kids (and parents!) can play on their tablets for a one or two hours uninterrupted.
Increase family time

Set aside one day a week for scheduled activities (the paid kind – swimming lessons, ballet, gymnastics soccer or music) and leave Sundays (or Sunday afternoons) open for spontaneous adventures for a family hikes, walks, beach days, gallery visits, or family swims. If one afternoon a week is too much, do it once a month.
Make meal-time easier

- Make a meal plan: Map out the week’s meals, and remember that dinner doesn’t have to be a winner every night.
- Have one family meal a week at the table together: Of course you can have more, but one meal at the table together is a great way to get kids. Pick a day and get the kids involved in setting the table, clearing, chopping or stirring.
- Use a meal delivery service: Get meal fixings or a full healthy meal delivered to your door on a regular schedule.
- Order in: Have a regular take out night. Give the kids a say, but be sure to mix it up so it’s not pizza every Tuesday!
- Order groceries online: Why drag kids to the store when you can order online?
Make me-time a reality!
When mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy!

Carve some time out for yourself and schedule it in your calendar: Enter your “me-time” in the calendar as an appointment or meeting so the whole family knows you are unavailable. Treat this time like you would a visit to doctor or a job interview. Use the time to do whatever you want: a walk, a spa date, yoga class, coffee shop, write a book.
Under no circumstances do laundry, clean the house or organize your kids rooms.
Go greener

No one wants to be part of the problem when it comes to plastic island and climate change. Getting environmentally aware is something the family can do together. The littlest of kids can learn to separate the styrofoam trays from the plastic bags. Assign kids to make sure you always have reusable bags and water bottles on-hand. Get them involved in taking out the compost and make a goal of creating less garbage and recycling everything you can. Ride bikes, scooter or walk to local destinations.
Harriet Fancott is the Editor and Social Media Manager for Vancouver Mom. She has over 20 years experience in the arts, tech and mom-based blogging arenas. She lives in East Vancouver with her husband and son where they enjoy exploring all that Vancouver has to offer from festivals and events to playgrounds and beaches to sushi and ice cream (although not together).