COVID 19: Six Isolation Sanity-Savers for Moms

Guest post by Gillian Behnke of MomCamp
This is a challenging time. It’s full on “uns” – uncharted, unprecedented, uncertain, unfamiliar, uncomfortable. We’re just over four weeks in to this new reality, and hopefully, we are starting to establish some new rhythms and routines. Resilience is going to be key, and there are a few simple things you can do to build up this strength. It’s like the saying goes – you can’t pour from an empty bucket. You need to ensure you are refilling your own bucket so you are ready to pour into those around you.
How to build rhythms, routines and resilience
Prioritize sleep

This may feel like the time to binge-watch Netflix after the kids go to bed just to get some time to yourself or with your partner. But my #1 tip is to prioritize your own sleep. This is a vulnerable time and waves of emotion likely coming over every member of your household at some point. By making sure you are setting yourself up for a good night’s sleep you are way more able to handle whatever the next day throws at you.
Move your body

Stretch, walk, do an at-home workout, have a kitchen dance party, just move. Join your kids for their “PE” class. Get out for a family walk once a day of you can. This time can tend to be pretty sedentary, so find times for intentional movement throughout the day.
Fuel your body

This means adding in extra veggies, avoiding multiple pre-packaged snacks in a day, and limiting too many sweet treats. It’s not about eliminating these things, just not overdoing it. This can be a time of comfort foods and overindulgent stress-eating, but putting the best stuff into your body now will help ensure you keep your energy high and that you stay healthy and well. And drink the water! You may feel like running the daily relay, drinking coffee all day and then handing off the baton to wine, but aim for at least 64-80 oz of water a day. This will help your digestion, increase energy and those trips to the bathroom will help increase your step count.
Maintain a schedule

This doesn’t mean a rigorous, overachieving work or school schedule for you or the kids, but some sort of schedule that works for all of you. Wake up at your normal time, as if you were going to to work or school. Get dressed. If you’re working, do your best to set some office hours. Schedule in free time for the kids so they know when they can take breaks from their school work. Have dinner at the same time every night.
Take time for you

Even it’s just 15 minutes to read a few pages of your book, take time each day where you are not working or momming. A workout, meditation, a solitary cup of coffee before everyone is up, you need that time for YOU. If you can, get up at least 30 minutes before the kids so that you automatically have that solo time. It’s your time to just be, without the other obligations that will inevitably come up throughout the day.
Give yourself grace
And lastly, give yourself ALL the grace. Working from home, homeschooling, parenting, navigating uncertainty, managing big feelings … it is a LOT. Do what you can, when you can, and acknowledge that it won’t be perfect.
>> View more isolations tips from local moms!
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Great post, super helpful, I think the maintaining a schedule point is what I’ll try starting Monday. It’s definitely been tough, I do spend time watching some tv every night but limit it to 1 hour, moved on from Netflix as well, found some good recos in here