Life-changing learning: twin brothers excel together at Eaton Arrowsmith

The following story is a first-person account from an Eaton Arrowsmith parent. It shows the impact the school can have on children with learning disabilities from the perspective of a family that has experienced the life-changing program firsthand.
Noah and Callum are 8-year-old twin boys. Callum is on the Autism spectrum and has challenges with speech and processing information. Noah is “typical” but has difficulties with attention and focus.
Before the boys attended Eaton Arrowsmith, Callum, who is very well behaved and high functioning, was completely lost in the public school system. He always had an aid to help with academia and to explain the process of each social engagement and structure of school life. At first, we couldn’t understand why he was able to learn more at home with his BI’s than in the classroom until he was diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). Basically, we were sending him to school every day unable to learn – anything. He could not grasp concepts at all, especially math.
We heard about EA through Callum’s speech pathologist, and after much research, we were quick to change tactics and send both our boys to Eaton Arrowsmith. Noah was doing well at school, however, his teachers had complained about his lack of attention and excessive daydreaming throughout lessons, so it was a no-brainer to send both boys.
When they started EA in September, Callum was unable to add 1 + 1 (even if you held up 2 fingers). He could count backward, skip count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s – due to his photographic memory – but he could not grasp the concept of Math. Just before Spring Break, we discovered that he was not only adding and subtracting in his head, he was working on Multiplication and Division! He has made remarkable progress in Math and English by being at EA: he no longer needs an aid, his speech has improved dramatically and he is beginning to understand the world around him.
Since starting school at EA, Noah has become more focused and is driving to excel; both with school work and at home. As he develops great work ethic, he is beginning to take pride in the work that he produces. It truly has been the best thing we have ever done for our children.
Want to learn more? Attend one of Eaton Arrowsmith’s School Tours.
This post is sponsored by one of our community builders, Eaton Arrowsmith
At Eaton Arrowsmith we teach our students a series of exercises to help them strengthen their brains and address the cognitive weaknesses that cause their specific learning difficulties. We operate on the principle of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to be strengthened over time with targeted training. This sets us apart from other learning intervention programs.
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