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Back to School: 6 Tips from Vancouver Teachers

Back to School: 6 Tips from Vancouver Teachers

The first few weeks of school can be an exciting and overwhelming experience for kids and parents alike. Here are 6 tips from Vancouver teachers to help set your child up for success.

6 Tips for Back to School success

Early Bedtime

A good night’s sleep makes a huge difference when your child is managing their back-to-school excitement and trepidation. It can be tempting to drag out those last few days of summer, but a tired or jetlagged child will miss important information and getting-to-know-you activities that the teacher has prepared. These ice breakers are designed to help students get to know one another, establish a welcoming and safe classroom environment, and create a positive first impression.

Eat Breakfast

Preparing a nutritious and filling breakfast is an essential way to start the day. Take the time to sit down and eat together (without distractions). A full tummy and a peaceful, unhurried morning helps students feel ready to focus, learn, and engage in class.

School Zone

Create a quiet, distraction-free space at home that is dedicated to schoolwork. A comfortable desk and chair in a well-lit room shows your child that their learning and assignments are a priority, and will go a long way towards helping your child stay organized.

Read Together

Reading to children (of all ages) improves language and literacy skills, and leads to greater academic success. Reading aloud and discussing stories also helps develop a child’s attention span, memory retention, and critical thinking skills. Most of all, it’s an important opportunity for connection with your child.

See Also

Speak Positively

Children whose parents speak positively about school see greater success and meaning in their schoolwork. Being genuinely enthusiastic and interested in what students are learning helps children feel that their efforts are valued and what they do at school matters. Celebrate a child’s hard work (above grades) and support them in the goals they set for themselves. A relaxed, positive attitude sets an example and encourages your child to feel the same way.

Listen Closely

School is packed with fun new experiences, challenging ideas, and lots of opportunities for play. A full day in the classroom is both stimulating and exhausting, especially for a young child. Reconnecting after school is especially important to help them navigate this transition. A healthy snack and some downtime will give your child the space they need to process their day. Give them the option to tell you about their day now or later, and ask open-ended questions. Then listen closely.

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