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Five small ways to improve your health as spring approaches


Five small ways to improve your health as spring approaches

It may not look like spring out there, but apparently there are blossoms and buds aching to get out from under the snow. It’s just a matter of time before we haul the pastels and cute kicks out of storage. Here are a few ways to get out of of our winter slump, get healthy, and get ready for spring!

Increase veggie consumption

Here are some clever ways to get those optimal 3-5 servings.

  • Add a green smoothie to your regular routine (factoid: even kids love smoothies)
  • Replace your pasta or rice side-dish with a green leafy vegetables, such as sauteed swiss chard with garlic and onions.
  • Check out some vegan blogs or cookbooks for plant-based meal inspiration.
  • Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts and cabbage).  These veggies support the liver detox pathways that break down hormones.
  • Eat plenty of colourful fruits and veggies, which are high in antioxidants and vitamins. Have them at the chopped and ready for the little ones.

Get out for a scenic nature walk with baby

Take advantage of the milder temps (and ice-free sidewalks) by getting out in the some fresh air, grabbing a coffee, and taking your baby on these scenic stroller-friendly walks around the city.

Buy food locally

When you buy food locally, it helps build community, it’s better for the environment, the food it more nutritious and it even tastes better! In a nutshell, buying locally improves your own health and the health of everything around you. All it takes is a trip to the farmers market on the weekend or shopping seasonally at your local grocery story to do your part. Easy and delish.

See Also

Join a running group or sign up for a fun run

Remember those New Year’s resolutions to be more active and try new things? Well, here’s your chance to do both: sign up for a run! Here are 5 fun family friendly Vancouver runs,  you do on your own or with the family.  If you’ve never run before, join one of the many local running group and start with newbies.

Meet up with other moms

Getting together with other moms is critical for our mental health. Having others to share our wins (baby is crawling, smiling, laughing), troubles (baby won’t sleep or eat), knowledge (where do I get the best baby wrap?), or fears (I’m anxious or frustrated) with those in the trenches is one of the best things a new (or experienced) mom can do. Lifelong friendships are forged from baby groups. When the kids are older, heading out for drinks or coffee sans kids is also a tried and true way to bond and share.
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