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Up your nutrition game with these detox tips


Up your nutrition game with these detox tips

Feeling that post-holiday bloat? (um yes!). One way to deal with it is a detox! We’ve got a few ways to make that happen. Pick the ones that make sense, and start the New Year off feeling lean and mean.


Support elimination
(This is code for better poops!)

  • Increase your fiber intake by adding two tablespoons of ground flax seeds to cereal or smoothies.
  • Drink a minimum 2L filtered water, per day.
  • Eat slowly, and chew thoroughly in a relaxed environment.
  • Breathe deeply. A few deep, belly breaths during the day help.
  • Get out into the forest and enjoy both the fresh air and the stress-reducing effect that nature has on your system.


Reduce the toxic load on your body

  • Wean yourself off caffeine over the course of 1-2 weeks in favour of herbal teas.
  • Challenge yourself, your partner and/or your friends to a “dry” (alcohol-free) month.
  • Start using non-toxic skin care products.
  • Replace plastic Tupperware and water bottles with metal or glass containers.
  • Choose organic, grass-fed and antibiotic free meat
  • Dedicate 3-4 days a week to vegetarian meals.
  • Eliminate the foods you’re sensitive to from your diet.
  • Go sugar-free.


Ramp up healthy, nutrient-dense, whole foods

Opt for foods that were grown from the land rather than those that have a lengthy ingredient lists with words you don’t recognize.

  • Add green smoothie to your regular routine, every day for a month.
  • Replace your pasta or rice side-dish with a green leafy vegetables, such as sauteed Swiss chard with garlic and onions.
  • Check out vegan blogs or cookbooks for plant-based meal inspiration.
  • Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage).
  • Increase your intake of colourful fruits and veggies high in antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Make homemade bone broth, which is healing to your gut lining and nutrient-dense.

Sweat.  Help your skin’s elimination process.

  • Go for a brisk walk, run, or take advantage of the snow and go skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing!
  • Contrast showers.  Start your morning with 1 minute of cold water and 1 minute of hot water in the shower, alternating 4-10 times, ending with cold water.
  • Take on a new activity, such as hot yoga, or another class activity. Take advantage of all the reduced-cost fitness or gym trials that are offered at this time of year!

Observe and reflect

See Also


  • Take a few minutes a day to observe how you feel physically. What changes occur when you honour and support your body?
  • If you feel worse, this may indicate that your body requires greater support. Advice from a naturopathic doctor may be warranted.
  • Reflect on 2016. What activities, people, places or practices brought you joy? Are these a committed part of your weekly or daily routine, or have they fallen out of your schedule during the busy holidays?

Bonus: Detox your mind and home

  • Attend to your body sensations, thoughts and emotions as you transition through any form of detox or cleanse.  Journal challenges, recurring thoughts or feelings, or talk to a friend or loved one.
  • Detox your mind of any thought patterns that aren’t serving you.
  • Detox your closet! Gather items (and toys) that you haven’t touched in the last 12 months and donate them to your local charity.

Think your gut needs help after the holidays, Dr. Mahannah is offering a free community talk  at Restoration Health Clinic on Tuesday, January 31. To register, call us at 604.990.6963 or email [email protected]

This post is sponsored by Restoration Health Clinic, one of our Community Builders

Restoration Health Clinic’s purpose is to build community, to promote safe and gentle naturopathic medicine, and to support whole family wellness. Our practitioners see through a different lens. Your family’s extraordinary health is our primary concern.



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