This week’s VM Mom to Follow is Vancouver Performing Stars founder, Katy Schroeder. Since 2012, her children’s performing arts company has grown to over 100 programs a week at eight community centres and a studio on Fraser St. When the pandemic hit, she was in her third trimester and in search of a children’s theatre space. She moved her business online and was forced to get creative on how to connect with other first time moms. She created a local Mama and Babes group that has developed into a supportive community and brings new moms together. She is doing her best to harmonize work, family and get outside to explore with her 8-month-old.
Where Katy likes to go with her babe and family
Shoreline Trail, Port Moody

This walk along the Burrard Inlet is a family favourite. Start at Old Orchard Park and stop to explore the Old Mill Site. Grab a coffee at Caffe Divano then through the trees for ice cream at Rocky Point Ice Cream or a pint on Brewer’s Row.
@caffedivano @rockypointicecream @moodyales @twinsailsbeer
Boundary Bay

My husband grew up in Tsawwassen and we love this beach. When the tide is out you can walk for miles, play on the sandbars or paddle board among the herons and take in views of Mount Baker.

We’ve found getting outside and exercising to be the best stress reliever as new parents. Mt Seymour or Cypress both have great trails and if you can get up there during the week, you’ll avoid the crowds.

When I need to visit the studio, we usually make a day out of it. Grab breakfast-to-go at Prado, say hello to our stars at VPS and pick up a pint at Earnest, and then find a playground as our little love has recently fallen in love with the swings.
@pradocafe @earnesticecream vanperformstars
How to follow Katy and Vancouver Performing Stars!
- Website:
- Facebook: @vanperformingstars
- Twitter: @vanperformstars
- Instagram: @vanperformstars
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