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5 Reasons After School Birthday Parties Totally Rock!


5 Reasons After School Birthday Parties Totally Rock!

For many parents planning birthday parties for their kids can be a daunting task. Where should we have it? When should we have it? How many kids should we invite? And as soon as you think you’ve come up with a plan, your child will often throw out a new request just to make things interesting.

A new trend that is becoming more and more popular is the after-school birthday party. Here’s why:

They work for all ages

You might be thinking that after-school parties are just for school-age children (kindergarten and up) but the truth is that a mid-week party works just as well for pre-school aged children as well. In fact, many parents that are looking to fill their weekdays with fun activities for their younger children really appreciate the opportunity to attend a birthday party at a time when they would be looking for something to do anyway.  Which leads us to the next great reason…

Keeps Your Weekend Free

Free time on the weekend is a precious commodity for all families considering the schedules that need to be juggled. Not having to add a birthday party to the mix is a big relief for both the party organizer and the partygoer. Keep those precious hours on the weekend free for family time.

Facilities are Less Crowded

Weekends are prime time for any venue you might be considering for a birthday party and so by booking on the weekday your child and their friends will often have a much quieter place to play. At Kidtropolis on this Friday afternoon, the kids pretty much had the entire city to themselves for most of the party and that made everything run a lot smoother!

You Don’t Need as Much Food

The typical after-school birthday party will start around 3 or 3:30 and end before dinner time. That means you don’t have to serve the kids a full meal. Be prepared to serve a good snack almost right away – at Kidtropolis the fresh-cut fruit tray and bowls of popcorn were a big hit! – and then do the cake or treats about a half-hour before the party ends. Now that’s a win-win for everyone!

Smaller Guest List

Another benefit of the after-school party is that often the guest list is limited based on the number of children you can take in your car (or fit comfortably in your house!). Many parents struggle with the decision on who to invite from school – entire class or not? – and with this type of party, the limitations on the guest list are logical. That means less guilt for you and a smaller group to wrangle wherever you choose to celebrate.

See Also

So now you know the goods. We encourage you to give the after-school birthday party a try if you can…and let us know how it goes!

Check out some great birthday party options in our NEW Directory!


This post is sponsored by one of our Community Builders, The World of Kidtropolis

The World of Kidtropolis is an interactive city model designed to provide a safe, unique and realistic educational environment that lets kids do what they do best: pretend play! Our goal is to provide purposeful play and hands-on learning experiences in a family-focused environment. Children use their imagination to become firefighters, police officers, restaurant owners, teachers, stage performers and more. Kidtropolis is the perfect environment for parents and caregivers to bond with their children by participating together in pretend play!

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