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VM Picks: 2016 Summer Bucket List


VM Picks: 2016 Summer Bucket List

Summer in Vancouver! Is there anything better? Beaches, pools and spray parks are a must. But why not explore River Market in New Westminster or check out some of the fantastic playgrounds of Wesbrook Village. Too hot for you? Head inside to the cool rooms of the Museum of Vancouver, the Maritime Museum or Place des Arts. Or perhaps it’s time to stay at home, crack open a cool beverage while the kids bounce off their excess energy on a new trampoline. What’s on your Bucket List?

VM Picks: 2016 Summer Bucket List

Head to River Market at New Westminster Quay

Feast and fun come together every day at River Market, where the hungry and curious gather to eat, shop, and play. Think live music, kids activities, craft fairs, miles of boardwalk, and a stunning location on the Fraser River dotted with boats and barges.

Premium Listing

Get all wet at the Steveston Spray Park!

stevestonsprayWater parks are perfect for little kids. No fear of drowning and moms and dads can stay relatively dry! Even forgotten bathing suits are forgiven. We’ve got a big list of our favourites.

>>Top Spray Parks

Check out our nautical history at the Vancouver Maritime Museum

mm1Tucked in the corner of Vanier Park, this sea-faring museum is a hidden gem full of boating wonders. There’s an entire ship inside the building (yes you can climb inside), an on-site master model builder and they host birthday parties too!

Premium Listing

Get a Springfree Trampoline

springfree trampThinking about getting a trampoline for the backyard? You can’t go wrong with a Springfree Trampoline, the world safest trampoline. So kick back on the porch with an icy drink while the kids bounce away this summer!
Community Builder Listing

Escape the heat at the Museum of Vancouver

Vancouver Museum - 5Escape the heat and delve into a little local history and culture at the spectacularly situated Museum of Vancouver. There’s plenty for kids and after you can run around at Vanier Park. Admission for kids 5-11 years old is just $5!

Read our Q&A with the MOV on their kid-friendly summer exhibition!

Book a trip to Summerland Waterfront Resort & Spa

summerland hot tubsCalling all water babies, wine-lovers, sun-worshippers and fun-seekers! This resort is set on Okanagan Lake and has an amazing summer vacation getaway for you. Envision everyone smiling, having a great time and you, relaxing by the pool.

Community Builder Listing

Dive into Second Beach Pool

pools-second-beach-pool-large-iconIf Kits pool is the king of the pools, then Second Beach Pool is the queen. Situated off the seawall by Lost Lagoon, this stunning pool overlooks the ocean and backs on to the towering pines of Stanley Park.

>>Best Outdoor Pools

Explore Wesbrook Village

Wesbrook Village Fair 3 Low ResHead up to UBC’s Wesbrook Village for a festival or to explore the incredible playgrounds at Wesbook village or head out on a walking adventure. Be sure to grab something yummy at one of the bakeries  or Menchies while you’re there!

Community Builder Page

Hang out at Centennial Beach

kayotics+camps+boundary+bay+centennial+beachSummer wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the beach, so why not go somewhere new? Kids can walk and explore for miles when the tide is out at Centennial Beach in Boundary Bay. For older kids, it’s a skim-boarding mecca. For littles, there’s an epic playground and, for everyone, there’s, well, fries.

>>Amazing beaches outside Vancouver

Explore the arts, parks and scenery of Coquitlam

Place des Arts 2016Take the kids up the Coquitlam Crunch for a little energy burn-off or do a loop of the cool, forested Munday Park. Then head inside to Place des Arts and check out their current exhibition and kids programs.

Premium Listing
Read our Q&A with Place des Arts!

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Next >> See our Top 100 Summer Bucket List ideas!

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