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VM Picks: Summer Bucket List, Museum of Vancouver at Vanier Park


VM Picks: Summer Bucket List, Museum of Vancouver at Vanier Park

Looking to do some interesting things this summer? Check out our VM Picks: Summer Bucket List for some of this year’s hot weather must-dos. We connected with Myles Constable, Spokesperson for the Museum of Vancouver, which has plenty of unique and interactive displays and activities for kids. And get this! Admission for kids 5-11 years old is now just $5!

Arial view MOV

Give us a brief description of what you’re all about.

The Museum of Vancouver tells the city’s story, starting 5,000 years back with the history and culture of the Musqueam First Nation, continuing through modern times. The Museum also creates contemporary feature exhibitions, including our neon signs gallery.

MOV All-Together-Now-toys-web


What are three cool things kids can do there?

Our newest exhibition – called All Together Now: Vancouver Collectors and Their Worlds. It includes thousands of objects including action figures and artificial eyes, toys and taxidermy, music and much more.

See Also

MOV display pinball

How do you inspire kids to learn new things?

The displays at MOV contain artefacts you can’t see anywhere else in Vancouver. There are many interactive stations including activities where kids can create animations, play pin ball machines, try on clothes, touch prosthetics, and tie fly fishing lures.

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View Comment (1)
  • I love your bucket list, Joy, especially the one about playing hooky and sneaking into the hotel pool. You can t miss that one! I hope you get the chance to do all of these!

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