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You Say: What Makes Your Guy a Fabulous Father


You Say: What Makes Your Guy a Fabulous Father

We all know that Vancouver moms are the best. We have it on good authority that we’re not the only ones, though – Vancouver dads are pretty amazing in their own life. Just in time for Father’s Day, we decided to pull together a You Say feature about what makes your partner a fabulous father. We posed the question on Facebook, and our followers came through. Here’s what you have to say about why Vancouver dads are the best.

Why Your Partner is a Fabulous Father

fabulous father father's day you sayCarolyn Leanne Béchard says, “The fact that his eyes light up the second he sees his children!”

Parrish Wilson shares, “He has so much fun playing with the boys!”

Gabrielle O’Leary loves, “His patience and his willingness to either involve himself fully in what our two and a half year old wants to do or include our son in projects that he wants to work on.”

InBed Organics says, “A father who takes care of his children’s mama will always be a hero to those children.”

Dian Kohoutek shares, “The way he enjoys playing with my four year old boy and still manages to cook lunch for us, too.” You can’t beat a man who cooks, it’s true.

Sandra Murta loves, “How he repeats the same trick a 1000 times just because it makes our little son happy.”

Our 2014 Top Vancouver Mom Blogger winner Tamara Goyette says, “His daughter is his whole world. He lets her try things, fail, and encourages her and helps try again when needed. Their relationship is incredible to see.”

Monica Gonzalez Warwas loves watching her partner, “Teaching by the example.”

Marika Siewert shares, “He chooses to love his wife first so they will know what real love looks like, and then he chooses the kids over everything else in the world. He’s legit, and very present.”

Brandee Foster says, “How he plays with his son, how his smile widens when he sees his boy, how he teaches him new things and encourages him to be the best he can be.”

It sounds like you all have a pretty fabulous father for your children. We hope you have an equally fabulous Father’s Day with your families!

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