6 Must Visit Murals for the Downtown Mural Langley Walk

Have you scrolled through the photos on your phone lately? Notice anyone missing from your approximately 2.5 bazillion photos? Oh, that’s right, YOU! Moms are diligent about capturing memories for everyone else in the family, but you also need your time to shine. Grab your partner, a selfie stick, or your most competent child and make your way to Downtown Langley for their epic mural walk.
Here’s a peek at 6 of the 25 murals you (and I suppose the rest of your family) can strike a pose at.
Butterfly Freedom- 20436 Fraser Hwy. | Judy Pohl

Flowers and Butterflies and Sunshine, oh my! This beautiful mural by Judy Pohl is serving up all the happy, Spring-time vibes. A great spot to pose for any member of the family.
#ThePowerOfWomenIsInifinite – 20460 Fraser Hwy. | Verna Brown

Bright, funky, and powerful (just like you, mama)! Tucked behind Forever Yours Lingerie in Fuller Lane, you won’t be able to stop yourself from flashing a peace sign and shouting “Girl Power.” It’s pretty much 1999, and you’re pretty much a Spice Girl.
I Am- 20460 Fraser Hwy. | Verna Brown

An Instagram favorite, for sure! If you need a reminder of how tenacious, passionate, vibrant, and fierce you are, this is your spot, baby. Grab a photo, and then buy an awesome bra because this mural is also right behind Forever Yours Lingerie in Fuller Lane (pun intended? I hope so).
Octopus Extraordinaire – 20611 Fraser Hwy. | Judy Pohl Madalynn Pohl| Verna Brown

Wait! Did that Octopus just move? Your eyes aren’t deceiving you; the Octopus Extraordinaire is one of several Moving Murals. Keep your eye out for QR code tiles that indicate a mural has been activated and added to the Moving Mural Experience. If your kids weren’t into posing for pictures before, this spectacular feature is sure to convince even the most reluctant model.
Preserve Love- 20421 Douglas Cres. | Alex Stewart

This gorgeous mural is a great spot to snap a snuggle with your mini or a smooch with your sweetheart. Find this beauty right beside Balkan Signs.
Bright- 5496 Salt Lane | Jordan Ravensbergen

Before you grab your Blue Lavender Latte from Pink Avo and head home, stop by this little gem hidden away in Salt Lane. Another perfect Spring-time spot to brighten up your day and your social media feed.
For a map on where to find all of these murals and MANY more, visit :
https://www.downtownlangley.com/events-calendar/mural-walk and don’t forget to use the hashtag #muralwalklangley to join in on all the fun on the Downtown Langley’s Instagram page and tag @Vancouver_Mom for your chance to be featured.
Written by guest blogger Ashley Kizito. Ashley has worked with children and teens in many different dynamics over the past 15 years. As a Children’s Program Director, Education Assistant and now mother, she has always been passionate about seeing children and families flourish. Ashley shares her light-hearted perspective on marriage and motherhood on her blog, and social media platforms @theashleyrhapsody. Ashley lives with her husband and daughter in the Greater Vancouver area, though they also call Uganda their home.
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