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Mom the Vote: Mock Election


Mom the Vote: Mock Election

With the BC general election just over a week away on May 14, 2013, we’re encouraging our readers to get out and mom the vote. Do it because if we want to create a family-friendly society, moms need to make their voices heard. Do it because this is your chance to have a say on what kind of government you’d like. Do it to set a good example for your kids. Do it so that you can feel good about yourself.

Mom the Vote Mock Election

We have some more articles planned to help you make your decision as you set out to mom the vote. But we also know that, at this point, many of you have made up your minds already. We know what the pollsters and pundits are saying. But what we don’t know is what our fellow Vancouver moms are thinking. So, just for fun, we’re going to ask. If the election were held today, which party would you vote for? And, which party do you think will win? We have no way of knowing who you are, or how you answer – you’re completely anonymous. We will not be sharing the results with anyone before we publish them on our site.

Like the actual election, you can vote only once. Unlike the actual election, these results are in no way binding. They’re also completely non-scientific, and we know that they may not actually reflect the way the province votes on election day. Make your choice now, before our mock polls close on Monday, May 13, 2013.

Cast Your Fake Ballot

Our first question is about who you’re voting for. Note that we have no way of knowing who you are, or how you responded:


Our second mom the vote question is about how you think everyone else will vote:


We’ll share the results of our informal poll with you on voting day. In the meantime, inform yourself, ask questions, and mom the vote!

*Image credit – Roland Tanglao on Flickr

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