Leading Moms: Hip Hop Mom
On October 3, 2012 VancouverMom.ca teamed up with our friends at Modern Mama and Entrepreneur Mom Now Vancouver to present Leading Moms. The day was full of inspiration, as we highlighted moms who are difference-makers in a variety of fields, from fashion to politics to business to the arts to science, and a whole lot more. We were treated to talks, videos, musical performances and a fashion show. We ate breakfast inside the H.R. MacMillan Science Centre, and we ate lunch outside in the sunshine. We were energized and motivated by the whole experience.
Videos from Leading Moms
If you weren’t able to make it to Leading Moms, we’d like to share some of the day with you to give you a taste of what happened. We think it will convince you to attend the next event, for sure. To that end, we’ve been sharing a video from the day every other week. Check back regularly to re-live the most inspiring moments of the day, or to see it for the first time. If you haven’t seen them, you’ll want to check out our other videos:
[unordered_list style=”bullet”]- Leading Moms: Kicking it Off
- Leading Moms: Christy Clark Keynote
- Leading Moms: Photographer Dina Goldstein
- Leading Moms: Dr. Gail Murphy Talks Tasks
- Leading Moms: Sandra Heusel on Daring to Dream
- Leading Moms: Kim Graham-Nye on Business and Motherhood
- Leading Moms: Natalie Angell-Besseling and Shanti Uganda
- Leading Moms: Diana Stirling and Shannon Ward on Pretirement
- Leading Moms: World Hip Hop Mom Rocks the Mic
- Leading Moms: Ratana Stephens on Food and Family
- Leading Moms: Gurdeep Stephens in a Spontaneous Song
- Leading Moms: Eco Fashion with Nicole Bridger
Mina Shum
Filmmaker Mina Shum tells the story of two alpha supermoms fighting over a parking spot, and quickly revealing their secret identities. Before you know it, the short film Hip Hop Mom turns into a hip hop mom dance battle. This irreverent ode to moms everywhere has won awards at the Berlin, Toronto and Sundance film festivals and the Genies. About Hip Hop Mom, Shum says, “I have felt the need to express my irreverent, irresponsible self at times. And when I do, I’m so aware of the ‘mommy me’ and the ‘not so mommy me’. And both sides have to find their expression or we end up losing our true selves.”
Happy watching!
Amber Strocel is a writer, aspiring math teacher, suburbanite, wife and mom of two. She believes in the power of the Internet to connect people, and she believes that numbers are the poetry of the universe. You can often find her knitting, sewing, volunteering, working in her garden, and sneaking chocolate when no one's looking. She blogs at Strocel.com and shares her photos on Instagram as @AmberStrocel.