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January is Wellness Month at Vancouver Mom


January is Wellness Month at Vancouver Mom

Now that Christmas and New Year’s are both in the past, many Vancouver moms are in the midst of a holiday hangover. All of that celebrating takes on a toll on our bodies, our minds, and, not least of all, our wallets. If you’re regretting all the chocolate you’ve eaten, you’re in dire need of some time on your yoga mat, or you’re dreading your holiday credit card bill, you’re not alone. There’s a reason that many of us find our thoughts turning towards wellness and cultivating new, more positive routines, when January rolls around.

Wellness Month at Vancouver Mom

wellness month herbal teaThis month at Vancouver Mom we’re committed to helping you get 2014 off to the best start possible, by writing about wellness all month long. Look for articles about fitness, meditation, getting your financial life in order, setting resolutions you can actually keep, and more. We’ll also be sending out an Insider email filled with lots of great wellness offers from our sponsors. This isn’t about making you feel guilty for any overindulging you may have done in the past few weeks (or months). It’s about focusing on positive changes that are actually manageable for moms.

Let’s face it – we don’t have all the time in the world to hit the gym, prepare organic food from scratch or meditate. On top of that, our kids would probably object to a new lentil-based diet. That doesn’t mean that we can’t take steps to enhance our wellness, however. It just means that we have to be smart about it.

Tell Us What You’re Doing

When it comes to making smart changes, we know that Vancouver moms are the best experts out there. For that reason, as we kick off our wellness month, we thought we’d turn to you and find out what you’re doing to start the year off on the right foot. Have you joined a gym? Are you getting up 15 minutes earlier to do something for yourself? Have you taken steps to improve your finances? We want to hear about it all! Leave a reply here and let us know what your resolutions are for 2014, or drop us a line on Twitter and Facebook.

One thing that research shows is that positive changes are more likely to stick when we make them with a friend. Having someone to cheer us on and hold us accountable makes a big difference. Let’s be that person for each other, during wellness month and all year long!

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