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Six places to get active with parkour, inside and out


Six places to get active with parkour, inside and out

Is getting active one of your intentions in 2018? Do it with Parkour! Parkour was inspired by military obstacle course training. Using speed and efficiency, participants move by combining running, jumping, vaulting, rolling, climbing and martial arts. Parkour also encourages functional skills like spatial awareness and precision. At the end of a session, what you end up with is a great gymnastic-like workout with your kids. Here are the top spots around Vancouver to do parkour.

Six parkour spots in Metro Vancouver

Origins Parkour, Vancouver

Photo credit: Origins Parkour

Located in the iconic Bingo building on Main St, these parkour specialists have tons of rolling classes for kids aged 5 and up, and parents can participate during open gym. They do birthdays too. $15 drop-in rate.

2655 Main St, 3rd floor (604) 558-1779

Penzer Park, Langley

Photo credit: City of Langley

This 10,000 square-foot space is one of the largest in Canada. It uses local materials such as yellow cedar from Vancouver Island. Anyone can play here, from jumping on the rubberized surface, swinging from bars, climbing over wooden walls and avoiding the ‘lava’. There is also a paved pump track for bikes.

4847 200 Street, Langley

Rotary Trials Park, Port Moody

This outdoor space is perfect for parkour enthusiasts and beginners! BMX riders also frequent this area to practice their tricks. Bonus: it’s free!

Murry Street, Port Moody

Hastings Park, East Vancouver

Photo Credit: PFSS

Just next to Empire Field in the shadow of the giant wooden PNE rollercoaster, you’ll find this compact outdoor parkour spot with concrete obstacles ideal for jumps and free running moves and bars for pull ups, swinging work or just hanging out (literally). And if it all seems too dangerous for the littles, the incredible revamped playground is right beside it.

2901 E Hastings St, Vancouver

See Also

Journey Parkour, Tri-cities

Photo Credit: Journey Parkour

Practice movements diligently and safely with Coach David Baxter. Learn spatial awareness, risk assessment and stimulate the mind and problem solving skills. $11 per class.

Port Moody, Coquitlam, 604 897 0547 

Apex Adventure Park, Richmond

Photo credit: Apex

This facility also has a trampoline park and rock climbing wall! Their parkour is partially open and costs $15/30 mins for drop in (includes taxes and socks). They also have a ninja course for kids 6 and up and adults.

3810 Jacombs Rd, Richmond (Right behind Ikea), (604) 394-2013

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