Spring is a time for growth, renewal, and harvesting. There is never a better time for kids to learn how to cook from nature’s abundance. If you haven’t signed your kids up for classes at Little Kitchen Academy, now is a perfect time.
Cooking with Mother Nature
Little Kitchen Academy aims for students to know the season by what is cooking in the kitchen. Mother Nature provides from the ground what our bodies are needing at specific times of the year.

Little Kitchen Academy use as many local and seasonal ingredients as possible, Spring produce in the lower mainland includes apples, cabbage (savoy, red), cucumbers, kale, leek, onion (red, yellow), parsnip. Yum!

Every Little Kitchen Academy location has an Aerogarden where students are invited to plant, water, harvest and eat a variety of herbs, vegetables and fruits. They empower children to cook on their own which builds confidence, independence, and healthy eating habits.
They encourage their students to plant, nurture, harvest and prepare produce because they know that when children are active participants in their food choices, they will try them- and more often than not, ENJOY them!
Register Today!

There are several locations around Metro Vancouver! Start empowering your little chef today!
Spring Season is open for enrollment now
Facebook: LKAVancouverPointGrey
Instagram: lkavancouverpointgrey
Website: Little Kitchen Academy
This post is sponsored by Little Kitchen Academy
To families seeking educationally-enriching activities for their children ages 3-18, Little Kitchen Academy is the first-of-its-kind Montessori-inspired cooking academy providing a safe & empowering environment to learn practical life skills, confidence, independence, and healthy eating habits to last a lifetime. LKA empowers children to cook on their own which builds confidence, independence, and healthy eating habits.
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