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Ten healthy Halloween tips from the Canadian Dental Association


Ten healthy Halloween tips from the Canadian Dental Association

We all know that candy’s not good for our teeth, so how can we maintain some kind of balance at Halloween? Here are a few things to think about before the kids head out the door with their buckets or pillowcases!

Halloween Tips - Dental
Photo credit: Pexel Pics

Ten healthy Halloween tips from the Canadian Dental Association

  • Have a game plan
    Before heading out, take a minute to talk about expectations. How long will trick-or-treating last? How much candy will be eaten when getting home? What will be the treats-per-day limit?
  • Eat treats (only) with a meal
    Be a role model by sitting with your kids, distraction-free, and enjoying a treat after a meal. Mention what you like about the treat you chose. Bonus points: Mention what you like about your main course too!
  • Use a small bag and ditch non-favourites
    One solution to avoid waste is to use smaller trick-or-treat bags to start. Another solution: a mid-November visit from the “Switch Witch” who trades remaining candy for something like a small toy or passes to an indoor waterslide park!
  • The right fit
    It is important to make sure that your child’s costume fits properly to prevent trips and falls. Avoid items such as oversized shoes, high heels, long dresses or capes.
  • Avoid masks
    Masks make it hard for children to see what’s around them, including cars. Try a hypoallergenic (less likely to cause an allergic reaction), non-toxic make-up kit instead.
  • Check your treats
    Tell your child not to eat any treats before they get home. When home, you can look through your treats together to make sure everything is safe to eat and doesn’t contain any ingredients that your child may be allergic to.

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  • Set a treat time
    To resist constant snacking, it is best to limit snacking to particular times. Frequent snackers are at a greater risk of tooth decay as the mouth has constant acidic conditions that wear away at tooth enamel leading to cavities.
  • Eat a balanced meal
    Healthy meals and snacks should always come before candy and treats.  Send the kids trick or treating with a good healthy meal. A satisfied stomach will indulge in less sweets.
  • Brush, floss and rinse
    Sticky candy can get stuck in between teeth and cause tooth decay. Brushing and flossing after a snack is ideal, but rinsing with a glass of water after eating a sugary treat will also help wash away some of the sugars and acids.
  • Have Fun!
    Show your family there is more to Halloween than the candy, enjoy time being active outside together and exploring your neighbourhood.


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