You Say: How You’re Focusing on Wellness
With January a little more than half over, many of us have already forgotten about our New Year’s resolutions. We’re here to tell you that it’s not too late to focus on your wellness and make 2014 your best year yet. This isn’t about guilt, or unrealistic goals, or even your dress size. This is about feeling great, inside and out. As moms we spend a lot of time taking care of others – we deserve to focus on ourselves, too. To soak up a little inspiration, we asked you how you’re focusing on your wellness for our latest You Say feature. Here’s what you shared with us.
You Say: Focusing on Wellness
You Say on Facebook
Over on Facebook several of you weighed in and shared what they’re doing to improve your mental, physical and financial wellness.
Danielle Lara Conrad says that she’s, “Running…for mental and physical wellness! And lots of reading, for the same reasons.”
Lambpoodle shares, “I’m chasing my kids around outside for mental and physical wellness, and getting Lambpoodle booked for some baby shows and out there to be discovered by the world for financial wellness.” Good luck!
Our Publisher Christine Pilkington says, “I just got myself a Fitbit and I’m wearing it all the time so I can track my fitness levels and goals.”
Our Managing Editor Amber Krause Strocel shares, “I went back to school. Right now it’s improving my mental wellness, and hopefully in the long-term it will improve my financial wellness (although at the moment it’s having the opposite effect).”
You Say on Twitter
Not to be left our, our Twitter followers also shared how they’re focusing on wellness for our You Say feature.
@PacificMomma says that she’s, “Bundling up the baby and getting outside for a brisk walk every.single.morning! Great start to the day.”
The fabulous @emvandee says, “We’re doing Dry and Home-Cooked January; no wine, no beer, no take-out, no lattes. Just clean living and reined-in spending.”
This kicked off a great conversation. @erinehm was surprised at the changes, and @emvandee replied, “Yep, we’re doing it. It’s been the longest month of my life.” @erinehm then shared, “I like reverting to all home cooked for awhile. I was sick for lots of Xmas, so I didn’t drink much.” Then they shared some tips for great meals in the crock pot. Finally, @catriona weighed in as well, saying that eating home-cooked meals, “Sounds like such a good idea.”
What about you? There’s still time to weigh in on this You Say feature. Just leave a reply and let us know how you’re focusong in your wellness this month!
Amber Strocel is a writer, aspiring math teacher, suburbanite, wife and mom of two. She believes in the power of the Internet to connect people, and she believes that numbers are the poetry of the universe. You can often find her knitting, sewing, volunteering, working in her garden, and sneaking chocolate when no one's looking. She blogs at and shares her photos on Instagram as @AmberStrocel.