Turducken: The Trend is Alive and Well in Vancouver

I remember first hearing about turducken a number of years ago. It’s the ultimate carnivorous creation: a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey. I scoffed a little, rolled my eyes, and felt sure that in the first place, no one really ate this, and in the second place, it would be something that would disappear from the food scene as soon as it arrived. However, as my Thanksgiving preparations show, it seems I was wrong.
The Trend Continues
I was recently placing an order for a turkey at SPUD.ca (because not having to go to the grocery store totally floats my boat) when I saw not one, but two turducken options on offer. The whole turducken and the turducken roast were both sourced from Sebastian & Co. here in Vancouver. What’s more, they were both almost sold out. In fact, since I first saw them, both turducken options are sold out at SPUD.ca.
I happily settled for a plain old turkey, but seeing that the turducken is still going strong – and even growing in popularity – made me wonder. What is it about this plethora of poultry that people love? Am I missing out by going the traditional route?
Turducken Love
Last year Alexandra Gill shared her experience with a Sebastian & Co. turducken for a piece in The Globe and Mail. Here’s a brief excerpt:
[box style=”rounded”]“Slow roasting, which ensured all the fat was rendered out, gave the skin a gorgeous crispness and glorious golden colour. It almost looked like a Chinese duck roast.[/box]Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Turducken isn’t cheap, but you’re getting solid meat with the bones removed. This means that pound for pound, turducken will feed far more people than other poultry. You’ll definitely leave your guests with something to talk about this year, as well. It may be a little bit late to secure your turducken for this weekend, but there’s no harm in trying. And there’s always Christmas coming up to take the plunge.
Where to Buy Turducken in Vancouver
Here are a few suggestions for where to look for turducken in Vancouver:
Big Lou’s Butcher Shop
biglousbutchershop.com | 604-566-9229
Sebastian & Co.
sebastianandco.ca | 604-925-1636
spud.ca | 604-215-7783
Windsor Quality Meats
windsorqualitymeats.com | 604-872-5635
*Photo credit – jeffreyw on Flickr
Amber Strocel is a writer, aspiring math teacher, suburbanite, wife and mom of two. She believes in the power of the Internet to connect people, and she believes that numbers are the poetry of the universe. You can often find her knitting, sewing, volunteering, working in her garden, and sneaking chocolate when no one's looking. She blogs at Strocel.com and shares her photos on Instagram as @AmberStrocel.
Yes Turducken is alive and well in Whistler. My son Jay in his 20’s made it for us the second year in a row and it was a big hit at Thanksgiving again. Delicious meat flavour is the reason he makes it. It took about 3 hours to sew it all up!!! He is not a cook by any means but he sure impressed his parents and his friends!!! He could be a cook!!!