VM Mom to Follow: Katie Jameson of ‘LifeLoveLoss’

This month’s VM Mom to Follow is the amazing Katie Jameson, someone who knows a great deal about grief. In the span of four years, she lost a child, gave birth to three more, received a down syndrome diagnosis for her daughter, and then her own father passed away. It was a lot to grapple with, and eventually all that loss and unknowing began to teach her about empathy, kindness and sharing.

Katie writes about her life by sharing openly and truthfully about her losses; she has created her Blog ‘LifeLoveLoss’ that acts as a landing page for any broken heart. She writes, and she heals. She shares, and hopefully reaches someone who needs to hear it. Katie recently created Grieving Pins – small, thoughtful gold enamel pins that express the emotions of grief, so the person wearing them doesn’t have to.

Through writing about her loss, she has found that laughing feels good again, and Motherhood is no f%*&ing joke.
On her website, you will find all of Katie’s passions melded together (including photography), where she creates a buffet of sadness, happiness, joy, loss, struggle, achievement, spectacular and ordinary. Basically…Motherhood.
Vancouver spots Katie likes to visit with her family
Ubuntu Canteen

This is where we take our kids when we want to feel like we aren’t sacrificing on product and vibe. Ubuntu has a perfect nook for kids to play while we drink coffee and eat delicious brunch. If you want to go without your kids, they even serve wine in the evening!
The Mackenzie Room

This is our place, as in… we own it! I pretty much can’t recommend a place I love more for dinner out with friends or my husband, because we created a spot we truly love. The Mackenzie Room reflects our values of family and the pride we have for hard work. We build this restaurant with our own hands, and are so proud of what we offer.
Matchstick Coffee on Main St.

This is our absolute go-to for Park Coffee. Almost every weekend my husband and I bike the three kids over to Matchstick and enjoy a coffee + earl grey muffin before hitting Riley Park.

This is our neighbourhood hangout. My husband and I always choose Autostrade for a quick dinner of delicious pasta and a few glasses of wine. We never get long and luxurious night’s out, so this little spot works great for us. They serve amazing food, really quickly – perfect for parents on a clock.
Follow Katie on her social channels!

Pinterest: Katie Jameson https://www.pinterest.ca/Katie__Jameson/
Instagram: katie__jameson
Grieving Pins: https://www.katiejameson.ca/grief-pins
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