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2011’s 30 Fabulous Vancouver Mom Bloggers: 1-6


2011’s 30 Fabulous Vancouver Mom Bloggers: 1-6

You nominated some great choices for our 2011 Fabulous Vancouver Mom Blogger contest. Now before we ask you to vote on your favourite, we’ll be introducing you to the 30 top nominees over the next week. This week, say hello to:

Arieanna Schweber of Active Mama

Arieanna Schweber (pictured above) is a mom of one, Aiden. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University and has been a professional blogger since 2005. After having Aiden, Arieanna decided to become a stay-at-home-mom, working part-time on blogging and consulting services. Says Arieanna:

After Aiden was born, I didn’t feel like the blog I shared with my husband was the right “home” for my new journey as a mother. I created as a way to chronicle the life of our family, which was made quite unexpectedly social by our outgoing baby who hated being at home. After several months, I realized that the blog also gave me a voice to talk about products I liked, places we went, and resources that could help other families. I would never remember all the little milestones in Aiden’s life without this blog. Aside from that, I do feel like I’m providing others the resources I wish that I had found – honest reviews, community resources, and inspiration on how to be more outgoing as a mom. Of course, there is also the online mom community of which I now feel a part of, and that has been fantastic!


Stephanie MacLeod of Munchkin and Me

Stephanie MacLeod is a wife and mother of one, as well as a freelance fashion writer/blogger for several publications including her blog Says Stephanie:

I started my Blog as a creative outlet for my love of fashion and my daughter, Sadie. I get lots of enjoyment writing about local designers in Vancouver that design clothing for both women and children as well as activities for families to enjoy in and around Vancouver.


Cherie Ehlert-Cox of Sweet Charlie-Anne o’ Mine

A 34-year-old mother to Charlie-Anne, 22 months old, who was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1 (SMA) a terminal genetic disorder, at 6 months of age. Says Cherie:

When my daughter Charlie-Anne was diagnosed, we were told she only had a few months to live. After the extreme shock and disbelief began to subside, I decided to start my blog so that I would always have proof of my little angel (and to brag about how great she was!). I didn’t want to forget one. single. moment. spent with Charlie. Here we are 16 months later and she’s still here, and I’m STILL blogging about her!

Blogging about Charlie and our experiences has become a form of therapy for me. I often look back at past posts and think, “Whoa, I wasn’t dealing with that very well at that time!” Or, “Look how worried I was about Charlie getting her g-tube, now it’s no big deal.” It’s nice to see how far we’ve come. It’s also been an excellent way to express myself to my family and friends, to really let them know what we’re dealing with and how it affects us on a daily basis. I’ve also met a lot of great people through my blog, some are mothers of ‘normal’ children and others of children with special needs and we share advice and ideas. I wear my heart on my sleeve, warts and all, and It feels really good to be able to be 100% myself, and to not only be accepted for it, but often praised for it. My blog followers mean the world to me.


Angela of One Smiley Monkey

My name is Angela and I am a new mom living in Vancouver with my wonderful husband and happy baby boy. Since becoming a mother I have been inundated with choices in everything from feeding techniques to types of diapers to use/buy. Every mother wants to make the best choices for their child but it can be confusing and daunting. With so many products available I have tried to do extensive research to find the best solutions to the everyday challenges and needs of a new mom and child. Whenever possible I really try to find products that are inexpensive, natural (either in material or concept) and have minimal to no environmental impact (e.g. do we really need all this plastic and disposable diapers?).

In my quest to raise my own child with the best natural modern parenting tools and techniques available I started One Smiley Monkey to share my own real experiences. Along the way and thanks to some amazing sponsors I have started local (for Vancouver/Burnaby area) free cloth diapering classes for anybody who is willing to take them.


Jodi Shaw of Rants n’ Rascals

Jodi Shaw, mom of two boys ages 11 and 5, lives in Abbotsford. At the start of 2010 she found her way into the world of blogging as a way to connect with other parents raising a special needs child – her youngest son Trace was born with Cerebral Palsy. Her husband, who has a brain injury, also blogs with Jodi.

Tanaya of Bubbles Make Him Smile

As a mother, I will never give up on my child. As a mother of a child who has autism, I will never give up hope. I look into his eyes and I see all the potential that he has to offer to this beautiful world and I just know that one day the world can see what I see.

“I thought I would have to teach my child about the world, but instead I have to teach the world about my child.” – Author unknown

We created our blog to promote autism awareness, acceptance, and to raise funds for our son’s autism treatment. Our blog share our lives with you and our experiences as people who love someone with autism.

View Comments (5)
  • I feel so blessed and thrilled to be in such amazing company. Thanks so much for including me and good luck to everyone when voting starts! For now I cannot wait to get to know everyone!

  • What a wonderful way to recognize outstanding women and mothers in our community. I have followed Cherie Cox’s Blog from almost the beginning and just stumbled upon her nominated for the Fabulous Vancouver Mom Blogger Contest. Her open and honest discussion about her journey with Charlie has been so beautiful to watch and I am not surprised in the least to see her listed among such a clearly amazing group of women. Congratulations to all nominees and Go Cherie and Charlie Gooooo!!!

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