Unique Vancouver Birthday Party Locations

If you have a school-age child, the odds are high that you’ve attended birthday parties at all kinds of venues all across the city. Want to mix things up a little for your own child’s celebration? If so, you’re in luck. Today we’re sharing seven unique Vancouver birthday party locations, listed in alphabetical order.
Mix it up With Unique Vancouver Birthday Party Locations
6Pack Indoor Beach
Let’s face it – you can’t guarantee good beach weather here in “Raincouver”. 6Pack Indoor Beach in Richmond has the answer. Kids 18 years old and younger will be able to choose from activities like soccer, ping pong, frisbee, sand castle building, parachute, tug o war or a treasure hunt on their sandy indoor beach. Standard party size is 12 kids, with up to 18 max, for a beach party. Or for big parties with 36 kids or more, they offer a dino beach themed party complete with an animatronic dinosaur.
#115-13180 Mitchell Road, Richmond
BC Sports Hall of Fame
Kids aged six to 12 might enjoy a birthday party at the BC Sports Hall of Fame. The space can accommodate up to 15 kids and five adults. You’ll have access to the Participation Zone, where guest will enjoy a rotating climbing wall, timed running track, soccer shoot out and more, as well as interactive games and exhibits. There’s also an optional scavenger hunt.
Gate A, BC Place Stadium, Vancouver
Urban Safari Rescue Society
Have a little animal lover on your hands? If so, you might want to add Urban Safari to your list of potential Vancouver birthday party locations. Your guests will enjoy a guided tour of over 300+ rescued exotic animals, learning about all the animal families with lots of fun facts, stories and hands-on touching where appropriate. A standard party includes 10 kids and four adults, although extra guests can be accommodated for an additional charge.
1395 176th Street, Surrey
Cliffhanger Vertical Birthdays
Ever feel like your kids are climbing the walls? If so, a vertical birthday party at Cliffhanger Climbing Gym may be just the ticket. You can invite up to 12 guests age seven and up for two hours of scaling the 40 foot walls as much and as high as you want.
670 Industrial Avenue, Vancouver
For a truly hands-on birthday party check out GardenWorks, with two locations in Burnaby. Participants paint, plant ang get creative, while learning about plants. There are also seasonal options for fall and winter.
6250 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby | 4746 Marine Drive, Burnaby
Vancouver Maritime Museum
Kids aged four to eight will enjoy a party at this most unique of Vancouver birthday party locations. Choose from a pirate or tugboat theme, both of which are suitable for either boys or girls. Your guests will enjoy activities and crafts, tailored to their age and interests. Maximum party size is 15.
1905 Ogden Avenue (Vanier Park), Vancouver
When you’re scouting out Vancouver birthday party locations, you might be looking for something a little more relaxed. If so, check out YogaButtons in Kits. Standard party size is 20, but they can accommodate up to 30 guests. They’ll incorporate any party theme into their yoga, games, music, dancing, crafts and activities. We hear Frozen is particularly popular right now (we can’t be the only ones who can’t get “Let it Go” out of our heads).
2525 W Broadway, Vancouver
Mount Seymour
Have a winter baby? The local ski hills offer some great Vancouver outdoor birthday party options. At Mount Seymour, groups of 10 or more can take advantage of group programs, including birthday party packages. Parties last three hours, and include two hours of tubing, tobogganing or snowshoeing, as well as lunch and access to the cozy Mongolian yurt.
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Hi Amber,
Thanks for the great post. Planning for my daughter’s party and wondering if you have any suggestions for a circus-themed venue or performance based (with a stage ideally)?
Hi Amber,
Our pre-schoolers attended a birthday party recently at Yoga Buttons. They had a blast and organization of the class was fantastic. The 20 or so children were engaged and really well behaved. Totally recommend it!
I’m so glad you had a great experience!