Vairdy’s Vancouver: Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Reifel Bird Sanctuary
On a nice day it’s easy to spend a few hours at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary. Buy some bird seed from the Info Centre or bring your own. Feed the ducks and discover some marvelous birds you never knew existed as you walk the beautiful nature trails. Photo credit for the Birdseye view of the boys feeding the ducks goes to my talented and creative husband. Admission is $5 adults $3 kids 2-14.
Reifel Bird Sanctuary on Westham Island
5191 Robertson Road, Delta, BC
Vairdy Frail is a proud mother of twin boys, a loving wife and a passionate family portrait photographer ( Vairdy and her husband are fearless explorers at heart, so it’s no surprise her boys have daring little souls. To satisfy the whole family’s wanderlust ways, she dreams up the best treasure hunts to guide them through the neighbourhoods of Vancouver. She can’t bear to miss documenting a single moment so be sure to follow this mom-preneur’s adventures on Instagram (@vairdyphotography).