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You Say: What Vancouver Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day


You Say: What Vancouver Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend, and here at we’re celebrating you. We know that you work hard every day, and you could use a little bit of recognition. But are some flowers and a card going to cut it? We’re not so sure.

We decided to take to on Twitter and Facebook to find out what Vancouver moms really want this Mother’s Day. Here’s what you had to say.

Mother’s Day Gift Requests on Facebook

When we asked what you really want this Mother’s Day, you were ready to answer on Facebook. Here’s what you had to say:

Stephanie Lee says that she wants, “Somebody to clean my house.”

Sabrina Moe-Black is dreaming big, saying she’d like, “A spa day for some R&R and then a glass of wine before at least an eight hour uninterrupted sleep!” Sounds heavenly.

Victoria Green has her eye on style, asking for a pair of summer shoes.

Corrina Winder seconded Stephanie, Sabrina and Victoria. She says she wants, “All of the above plus a date with my hubby!”

Cassie Allard has a long list (and we know she deserves it all): “Homemade card from the little one, a cordless hand vacuum, spa gift card, a Waves milk hot chocolate, running shoes, and high tea at The Secret Garden. Is that too much to ask?!”

Arieanna Schweber is keeping it short and sweet, asking for a spa visit.

Talking Mother’s Day on Twitter

Our Twitter follower’s were also ready to share what they really want for Mother’s Day:

Arieanna Schweber, who tweets as @arieanna, expanded on her spa request, saying, “A visit to the spa. Not only paid for but booked.”

Marilyn Belsham, a.k.a. @ALotofLoves, would like, “One entire day where the kids don’t fight with each other…and I get to sleep in.”

Miss Vicki, whose Twitter handle is @pumpkinutters, had this to say, “Let’s face it! What I really want is a break. Yes, of course I love my kids dearly, but sleep… yeah. Sleep please.” We think a lot of Vancouver moms can relate.

@pomomama would like, “Peace and quiet.”

Our Content Manager @AmberStrocel weighed in with, “I’d really love something handmade. Place des Arts in Coquitlam has some great ideas!

@bcfamilyca would most enjoy, “A spa day at Spa Utopia!”

@KidKoozie shared her whole list, saying, “Mother’s Day wish list: sleep in, massage, handmade card from kiddo, kisses from hubby. Time to hug my mom. Simple pleasures!”

Whatever is on your own wish list, we hope you receive it, and that you have a truly fabulous Mother’s Day!

Image credit – Dennis Wong on Flickr.

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