Halloween Ideas Galore at Party Bazaar

With the dog days of summer dead and gone what better way to celebrate the season than to let your inner ghoul out to play? You’ll find tons of Halloween ideas to help you do just that at Vancouver’s Party Bazaar.
A Scary Good Time
I love a good, well-planned scare fest, don’t you? One of my favourite memories involves a house full of horrors, with a carnage and carnival theme all twisted together in a night of creepy fun. And while that is far too freaky for our little guy of two, it has me thinking about how to get our little goblin trick or treat ready in style. And of course, how I can do it without scarring him for life.
Sourcing a great Halloween costume takes time. There’s nothing worse than throwing one together at the witching hour only to be disappointed later when the photos you took are sorely lacking in the scare department. I usually find myself in last minute skullduggery wishing I had been more realistic and planned better. I don’t know about you but it makes me want to lop off an extremity and resort to photoshopping it in for effect. I need Halloween ideas now, so that I don’t find myself in that dark place again.
Need Halloween Ideas?
This year this zombie mom is thinking dead straight ahead for the best costumes ever so I need Halloween ideas and I need lots of them. Don’t be left in a lurch. No one wants resort to cast-offs left behind in the pre-Halloween mayhem. Let’s get started.
- Are you wondering what the latest trends are for kid’s costumes?
- Is there a Cat in the Hat itching for an adventure in your home? Do you have princesses, vampires or dead superheros in your Halloween future?
- Are you kitting out your piece of real estate paradise for something more graveyard like?
- Do you need party favours for the big bash?
Whichever way you go, creating sweetly lasting memories or a bit of spine-tingling, sweet-infested creepiness can provide festering fun for all. One of the best places in town to get your spooky-esque bliss is the Party Bazaar at Main and Terminal.
Shop Early!
Most of us have no desire to fight the crowds of wanna-be Britney Spears and dead superheroes. Thankfully, you can seize the day of the dead and go to the Party Bazaar now as they are getting their store spook ready as we speak! They have endless entrails of Halloween ideas for everyone.
Party Bazaar is gearing up for Halloween – party style! They’re holding a preview of what’s to come for Halloween on Saturday, September 29, 2012 from 11:00am-5:00pm. Be the first to see the latest trends in costumes, makeup and party decorations. With music, prizes, face painting, popcorn and more it’s bound to be mortifying fun for the whole family, and you’ll get loads of Halloween ideas. The staff will be in costume to showcase their store as the prime Halloween destination in the city. And of course, if you or your soon to be princesses or robots want to to try anything on, you’re always welcome.
Why not start the Halloween season off on the right bloody-stump foot, and go to the Party Bazaar for all your costume needs? It’ll be a scary good time.
Party Bazaar
www.thepartybazaar.com | Twitter | Facebook
1296 Station Street, Vancouver
Leeanne Ekland is a stay-at-home mom of one, who’s on a mission to rediscover love, wellness, and neighbourhood happenings and to have a ton of fun. She's also a lover of wine and yoga and believes that sharing her experiences at www.MomParadigm.com brings her closer to living her best life. Having started the parenting experience much later than most, she offers a unique perspective on the challenges and all that is amazing about being a mom over 40.