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Cloth Diapering: New & Green Baby Has Us Covered, Part 2

Cloth Diapering: New & Green Baby Has Us Covered, Part 2

In Cloth Diapering: New & Green Baby Has Us Covered, Part 1, Karen Randall of New & Green Baby Co. shared with us the pros and cons of cloth diapering. Today, she dispels some of the myths around cloth diapering and demystifies the some of the common concerns people have with getting started with cloth diapers.

What cloth diapering options are out there these days?

There are many!  And this can be overwhelming for parents, which is why we offer educational support to both teach, encourage and guide parents in choosing a system that will be a good fit for their lifestyle.  There are cloth diapers made for any parent’s lifestyle whether your priorities centre on budget, convenience, natural options or simplicity.  A cross section of what’s available for parents today includes cloth diapers made from natural fibres such as organic cotton, hemp or bamboo, wet-proof cloth diaper covers made of high tech breathable fabrics, one-step cloth diapers with everything integrated and one-size cloth diapers that can be used from birth to potty training.  And the newest invention – a swap in disposable insert that it compatible with your existing cloth diapering system so that when practical life demands something ultra convenient – we have you covered!

What do you say to parents who think cloth diapering is just plain inconvenient?

Changing a diaper can be messy, regardless of the system.  With cloth diapers, you toss them in a pail instead of a garbage can.  Two days later, you take those cloth diapers to the laundry room instead of the curb.  With intuitive designs and easy Velcro closures, it really couldn’t be easier!

What should parents look for when picking their cloth diapers?

It’s important to evaluate what is important to you and to try and imagine your lifestyle.  We find that keeping this in mind helps parents make a selection that they are going to  be most happy with as it aligns with their values and supports their everyday life.

How would you encourage a parent who is considering cloth diapers but isn’t ready to take the plunge?

Consider taking a Cloth Diaper 101 workshop or using a Diaper Tester Kit.  Both of these programs have tentative parents at the outset and have parents leaving the workshop or finishing up with their tester kits saying “I can do this!” or “That was not as hard as I thought it would be!”

What tips do you have for dealing with cloth diapers (i.e. coping with the mess, cleaning up, etc)?

Two words – BioSoft Liners!  These are going to make your dirty diaper duty a breeze.  Lay a liner inside of the diaper.  When your baby does her/his job, the liner and poop is removed and flushed and the rest of the diaper goes in the pail.  There is no swishing or dunking involved and the hand-poop contact is absolutely minimized!

What are some of the myths of cloth diapering and how would you dispel them?

The biggest ones are the anticipation of how difficult it will be, the worry about leaking and the cost.  As we’ve already discussed, the work of cloth diapering is minimal and the cost is surprisingly affordable over the three years of cloth diapering.  Leaking is a fixable issue.  Cloth diapers are engineered to prevent leaks and contain what comes out of your baby.  That being said, there are no chemicals in cloth diapers to make them super absorbent like disposables. To get the best performance from a cloth diaper we suggest the following:  ensure a good fit around the legs and the waist (no gaps), increase absorbency in special situations like at night or long car rides and change your baby every 2-3 hours during the day.  These are simple, yet effective methods to ensure that your cloth diapers do what they are meant to!

New & Green Baby Co. | Twitter: @newandgreenbaby

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