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Gender Neutral Birthday Party Ideas


Gender Neutral Birthday Party Ideas

gender neutral birthday party bricks 4 kidz sponsoredChoosing a birthday party theme can be tricky. If you’ll be inviting both boys and girls to the party, it’s even trickier. That princess or Spiderman party your child was asking for just might not work in mixed company. Never fear! We have some suggestions to help you plan a fun, gender neutral birthday party that everyone will enjoy.

Gender Neutral Birthday Party

A Magical Birthday

For older kids, Harry Potter-inspired fantasy themes are still all the rage. You can go all-out with this gender neutral birthday party and re-create Hogwarts in your living room, or you can keep it lower-key with a few games, foods and decorations. A few ideas to get you started: mixed jelly beans (Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans), magic wands, a cauldron full of goodie bags, orange juice re-labelled as pumpkin juice and “pin the horn on the unicorn”.

A Traditional Birthday

Traditional backyard birthday parties with games like pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs and pass the parcel are both fun and gender neutral. Kids will enjoy them and parents will have fun re-living their own birthday parties. If the weather isn’t good, you can always move the party indoors, or consider renting a party room. If you want to kick things up a notch, you can also go all-out and rent a bouncy castle or find someone to make balloon animals.

A Lego® Birthday

All kids love Lego®, especially with the popularity of The LEGO® Movie (we can’t be the only ones who can’t get “Everything is Awesome” out of our heads!). Pull out all those bins, or call on a friend with a massive collection. Kids can play games, work together to build something awesome, and compete for Lego® party favours. If you’d like to outsource the fun, local business Bricks 4 Kidz® Vancouver will help you plan a party filled with building activities, games and challenges using Lego® pieces and unique models that move using battery packs and motors. And don’t forget the Lego® cake!

Sesame Street

Younger kids still love Sesame Street, and it makes for a fun and easy gender neutral birthday party. Because of the popularity of characters like Elmo and Cookie Monster, you can find lots of decorations, plates, napkins and so on with Sesame Street themes. Some fun ideas to get you started include Cookie Monster cookie decorating, “worms and dirt” in honour of Slimy, “Dorothy the goldfish” crackers and pin the trunk on Snuffy. And if you want to go all out, there are some amazing Sesame Street cakes on Pinterest.

See Also

Gender Neutral Superhero Party

Who says superheroes are just for boys? Many girls would disagree. A fun gender neutral birthday party complete with multi-coloured capes and wrist-bands, superhero crafts, and superhero-inspired decorations will be fun for everyone. If you buy pre-made decorations, plates and so on, make sure that Wonder Woman or another female hero is featured alongside Batman and Superman. The Incredibles are a whole family of superheroes, making them another good choice for a gender neutral hero party.

gender neutral birthday party bricks 4 kidz sponsoredThis article was sponsored by Bricks 4 Kidz® Vancouver. Bricks 4 Kidz® Vancouver offers hands-on and engaging programming where kids discover, explore and create with Lego® bricks, gears, axles and motors. Bricks 4 Kidz® provides a unique and memorable birthday experience for your son or daughter on their special day. Children will enjoy a variety of fun filled building activities, games and challenges using Lego® pieces and unique models that move using battery packs and motors. A dedicated Bricks 4 Kidz® Party Host will facilitate the activities and take care of all your party needs. Choose our Deluxe Package and each child will customize their own Lego® mini figure to race on the zip lines and to take home at the end of the party!

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