Trending: Greek Day on Broadway

West Broadway in Kitsilano is home to some of our best Greek food shops. Once a year, the Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC gets performers, producers, artisans, and the community together for a street party. This year, it’s on Sunday June 23rd, and five blocks of West Broadway is closed to cars for this great family-friendly festival.

Kids Zone
There’s a special area just for kids 12 and under organized by the Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC, so expect lots of Greek-themed activities. There will be crafts, live musicians, storytellers and more all day.

The food!
The Hellenic Experience Tent is where you’ll find Greek olives, olive oil, and Greek cheeses, and learn more about cooking with Greek herbs. This tent is all about learning about typical Greek village life, so there will be lots of ideas about using olive oil in everything from food to beauty treatments. Check out the Cook Culture Demos to watch professional chefs give free sessions on braising, knife skills, grilling, and more.

Live entertainment
There are three stages of live entertainment: a Kids Stage, Main Stage, and Folk Stage. The Kids Stage features family-friendly musicians and storytellers, while the Folk Stage covers Greek folk mixed with jazz fusion, dancers and more. Greek dancers fill the Main Stage all day, with school groups and professionals throughout the day, and a band playing in the evening from 6 pm onwards.
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