Story Time

Let me tell you a story … little kids love a good yarn, and there are plenty of story times around town ready to turn your kids onto books.
Wesbrook Village
Every Saturday at 10:15 am, Wesbrook Village Welcome Centre hosts a free story time. The location is perfect for hitting up the park or picking up groceries post story.
3378 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, (604) 228-2025
For 0-4 year olds, Thursdays at the YMCA offers a free drop-in family play time and circle time for members and non-members. The circle time includes songs and stories beginning at 10:45 am.
Robert Lee YMCA, 955 Burrard St. Vancouver, (604) 689-9622
Kits Neighbourhood House
Has a parent-tot (0-5 years) drop-in, with circle time Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10-11:30 am. There is a $3 drop-in fee or an annual $20 family membership.
2305 West 7th Ave. Vancouver, (604) 736-3588
Westside Family Place
Has a Play and Learn Drop-in with its very own reading corner. Creating an impromptu story time in this bustling hub is easy smeazy or join the established circle times. Drop-in Monday-Thursday 9:30 am -12 pm, Circle Time 11:30 am, Wednesday Afternoon Drop-in, 1 pm-4:30 (2:30 pm Circle Time subject to change). $2 per family, per visit.
2819 W. 11th Ave. Vancouver, (604) 738-2819
The Public Library
Every branch of the public library offers story time. Visit for locations and story times.
Find more great places for moms just like you. Download JellyBeen, the social mobile app to find the best places to shop, eat and play with kids.
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Michelle Gadd is an urban dwelling, Vancouver housewife and mother of two rambunctious boys. She has a passion for discovering, and writing about, ways to engage kids in city culture. Michelle created as an outlet to write about life, from parenting to city living, fashion to frugality, food to faith, no subject is off the table. Michelle invites readers to take a glimpse inside her life and be inspired by the beauty of art in the every day.