Back to School: How to improve kids concentration & focus at school
It’s back to school time! Again. Yes, there’s still plenty of time to eke out those final glorious days of summer, but it’s also time to start getting mentally prepped for the upcoming school year. After the holidays, it can be tough to get kids heads in the game. Here are a few things that can help them focus, from the basics like establishing a routine to concentration boosting supplements like Omega 3s and 6s.
Five Back to School tips for focus and concentration
It’s tempting to go all out until the final day before school starts but it’s not a good idea (ask any teacher!) especially if your kids struggle with transition or learning issues. Now is the time to get a back to school routine in place. This means regular meal times, earlier bedtimes, daily reason and yup, hauling the kids out of bed in the morning!
Upgrade Your Child’s Learning Abilities with Efalex® and enter to Win $500 Indigo Gift Card *
With screens now a regular part of our kids lives, it’s imperative that they get regular outdoor play and activity. Exercise improves brain and body function, regulate emotions, improve focus, and helps kids sleep well at night.
Kids need their rest. Sleep directly affects mental and physical development. School-aged kids need a regular and consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine. Keep the bedroom free of distractions and no screens in the bedroom.
Eating habits
In our rush to get kids out the door, off to school and activities, we can neglect healthy eating in favour of quick snacks and processed foods. Balanced meals help regulate emotions and improve brain function and stamina. Think protein, nuts, fruits and veg. Make it a priority.
Focus Boosting Supplements
It’s important for young learners to have adequate amount of Omega 3 and 6, and it’s tough to get all they need via diet alone. This is where a proven supplement can help. EFALEX® is a unique blend of Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and Omega-6 that helps power the brain with over 20 years of clinical studies. It’s clinically proven to:
- Improve learning abilities, concentration and focus and
- Reduced symptoms of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and ADHD
- Improves problem-solving abilities, balance & coordination
- Improve behavioural, emotional and cognitive symptoms
And… it’s dairy-free, sugar-free and gluten-free!
Upgrade Your Child’s Learning Abilities with Efalex® and enter to Win $500 Indigo Gift Card *
* Contest runs from Aug 1st to Sep 30th, 2017
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Harriet Fancott is the Editor and Social Media Manager for Vancouver Mom. She has over 20 years experience in the arts, tech and mom-based blogging arenas. She lives in East Vancouver with her husband and son where they enjoy exploring all that Vancouver has to offer from festivals and events to playgrounds and beaches to sushi and ice cream (although not together).