Why you need to enroll your child in the arts
We hear it a lot. My kids are sports kids. My kids are too active for the arts. We don’t have time for the art classes. But the arts aren’t a frill; they help children develop critical life skills such as patience, perseverance, creative and critical thinking, focus and confidence, just to name a few.
Summer may not have arrived yet, but registration for fall programs at Place des Arts is already open. Warm, welcoming and inspiring, Place des Arts is a home away from home for kids, youth (and adults) to explore their creativity this fall.
>>See the class lists and register at Place des Arts today
Ten good reasons to enroll your child in the arts
Offline activity
Let’s face it our kids’ world (and our own) has become increasingly dominated by video games and social media. Kids tend to default to screen activities if allowed, and the constant requests for the iPad can drive parents crazy. Arts activities offer a tangible, body-mind experience IRL (in real life.)
Online skills
That said, we can’t discount the importance of the online world, so for kids who are keen on the possibilities of the digital age, a digital art class may be just the motivation they need to try an arts program.
>> Find a digital media arts class
Career skills
The arts provide real-world skills. Live performance skills are a necessity for lawyers, salespeople, teachers and business owners to name a few. Knowing the basics of composition helps with graphic design, and dance teaches kids posture, poise, and patience.
A new way of learning
The arts offer new ways of thinking. Music can break open the puzzle of math problems. Drawing or cartooning can bring a story to life for kids who prefer comics to novels, and dance is a wonderful alternative to sports for active, physical expression.
Creative thinking
The arts promote creative and critical thinking, two traits that are necessary for navigating the ever-shifting terrain of the new economy.
Self- expression
The arts offer multiple avenues for self-expression. Singing, hip-hop dance, cartooning, painting and musical theatre are great vehicles for children to share their stories and let their voices be heard (singing in particular.)
Perseverance and patience
Practice, practice, practice. Mastery of an instrument, dance move or visual art technique takes time, repetition and focus – all valuable life skills.
>> Learn to play an instrument through private music lessons
Teamwork & collaboration
The arts offer a bridge across language, personal and cultural differences. Children work, learn and share together to create or participate in theatre, music and dance pieces.
Confidence builder
Theatre training gives children practice in stepping out of their comfort zone and allows them to make mistakes and learn from them in rehearsal. This process gives children the confidence to perform in front of large audiences.
The arts offer different ways to create and also solve problems by encouraging different ways of looking at problems.
A place to experiment
Whereas the classroom may run on a set agenda, the arts offer a safe space for experimentation, daydreaming, freedom, joy and wonder.
This post is sponsored by Place des Arts
Explore your creativity at Place des Arts – home to our arts community. Warm, welcoming, vibrant, inspiring, this non-profit arts centre and music school has over 40 years of experience offering quality arts education programs, Place des Arts inspires the artist in everyone. The centre offers classes and private lessons in the visual, literary and performing arts for all ages from babes to boomers, and for all skill levels from beginner to pre-professional.
Harriet Fancott is the Editor and Social Media Manager for Vancouver Mom. She has over 20 years experience in the arts, tech and mom-based blogging arenas. She lives in East Vancouver with her husband and son where they enjoy exploring all that Vancouver has to offer from festivals and events to playgrounds and beaches to sushi and ice cream (although not together).