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Mom on the Street: Emily Wight


Mom on the Street: Emily Wight

Mom on the Street Emily Wight

We say it time and time again: Vancouver moms are the best. In our new Mom on the Street series we’ll be talking to many of you to find out what makes you awesome, and what you love about the neighbourhood you call home. Up first, we meet East Van mom and 2012 Top 30 Vancouver Mom Blogger honouree Emily Wight.

Mom on the Street: East Van Edition
Mom on the Street Emily Wight
Photo by Bethany Schiedel,

What do you love about living in East Vancouver with your family? Why was it the perfect fit for you?

I love the diversity, and the relative chaos. I like that my son won’t be sheltered. I want him to see and understand things like poverty and race from the get-go. I also love the idea of teaching him about other cultures though food; there is so much here to eat, and the best way to really listen and learn about someone is to first fill your mouth with their food. I hope he learns empathy and community through living where we do. There is a sense of community here that I haven’t found living in other parts of the city – this place feels like home.

What is one place you love to eat with the family in East Van?

“Eating with the family” is not something we do a lot of as our toddler is still wild and not amenable to sitting in one place for all that long. We do grab breakfast at Solly’s fairly often on weekday mornings, or Red Wagon on occasion, or sometimes a fancy tea and a doughnut at Lucky’s. We eat a lot of pho – Pho Linh is our favourite. We like the bahn mi sandwiches at Ba Le, and the tortas and tacos at Sal y Limon. If we have to drive out to the ‘burbs, we always stop first at Duffin’s for pupusas. My husband and I go to Zakkushi when we have a free evening; something about char-grilled chicken hearts on a stick just says “date night” to us.

What does East Van life mean to you and your family?

It means never having to drive anywhere; everything from 33rd to Hastings is walking distance. It means convenience; we live next to everything we need. We love that there are not that many chain restaurants or stores in our area, so we get to support local businesses and our neighbours every time we buy anything.

What neighborhood based events does your family always participate in and enjoy?

The farmers’ market, for sure – we went most weekends to the one at Guelph Park; we’ll be regulars at the one at Nat Bailey all winter. If we’re around on Sundays on the weekend, we’ll visit Car-Free Days. And we can be found wherever there are food carts or beer in growlers. My god, we sound like insufferable hipsters.

What do you love to do together as a family?

Our toddler has energy to burn, so we spend a lot of time just walking (while he sprints ahead) and window shopping with a latte in-hand. In the summer, we often grab takeout and head to a park – toddlers and picnics are a natural pairing.

As an East Van mom on the street, what would you like to see more of in your ‘hood?

We need a good barbecue place. We have everything else, but no barbecue.

See Also

What does East Van have that the rest of Vancouver doesn’t?

Slightly more reasonable rent and significantly better food.

Thanks so much, Emily, for sharing your viewpoint as an East Van mom on the street! If you’d like to share the high points of your neighbourhood with us in an upcoming mom on the street feature, drop us a line at

Emily Wight is a food blogger and web communications specialist. She eats everything. She had always imagined that one day she’d write a book but then Twitter was invented so now she doesn’t do anything productive. Her blog is well fed, flat broke; on Twitter she’s @emvandee.

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