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Leading Moms: Kim Graham-Nye on Business and Motherhood


Leading Moms: Kim Graham-Nye on Business and Motherhood

On October 3, 2012 joined forces with our friends at Modern Mama and Entrepreneur Mom Now Vancouver to present Leading Moms. It was an inspiring day, highlighting moms who are difference-makers in a variety of fields, from fashion to politics to business to the arts to science, and a whole lot more. We were treated to talks, videos, musical performances and a fashion show. We ate breakfast inside the H.R. MacMillan Science Centre, and we ate lunch outside in the sunshine. We were energized and motivated by the whole experience.

Videos from Leading Moms

If you weren’t able to make it to Leading Moms, we’d like to share some of the day with you to give you a taste of what happened. We think it will convince you to attend the next event, for sure. Over the next few months, we’ll be sharing a video every other week. Check back regularly to re-live the most inspiring moments of the day, or to see it for the first time. If you haven’t seen them, you’ll want to check out our first few videos:

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Kim Graham-Nye

Kim Graham-Nye is a co-founder and president of gDiapers, the ‘ecodorable’ diaper that’s both cute and biodegradable. She and her husband started the company as parents of very young children. In the process, they combined their passions for babies, the planet and business to create a family-centered company. Kim’s achievements in redefining motherhood for herself and others haven’t gone unnoticed. In 2011 she was named one of Fortune Magazine‘s top 10 Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in America. The Canadian-born Kim Graham-Nye has proven that business and family really can go together, if you’ve got a little bit of creativity.

Happy watching!

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