november, 2019

Event Details
Remembrance Day The Remembrance Day Ceremony and Parade will begin on
Event Details
Remembrance Day
The Remembrance Day Ceremony and Parade will begin on Friday, November 11 at 9:45am at the Victory Square Cenotaph at West Hastings Street and Cambie Street.
Ceremony program
The program begins with a performance by the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir and Sarabande starting at 9:45am.
At 10:00am veterans, military marching units and bands will be led to Victory Square by the Vancouver Flag Party. The cenotaph ceremony starts at 10:30am.
At 11:00am the Last Post will be sounded. There will be Two Minutes of Silence, during which a 21-gun salute by the 15th Field Artillery Regiment will be heard from Portside Park. Lament and Rouse will follow. The RCAF will conduct a fly-past moments later, weather permitting. The enduring In Flanders Fields will then be sung by the Bach Youth Choir and Sarabande and wreaths will be placed at the Cenotaph.
A feature will be a combined performance by the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service and the Regimental Pipes and Drums of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada.
Parade route
The main parade will march Route 2, marching west along Hastings past the reviewing stand between Homer and Richards, turning right at Richards, east on Cordova, then south on Cambie.
The veterans section of the parade will march Route 1, marching west along Hastings Street past the reviewing stand and disperse. Please see the map below.
For more information, please visit the City of Vancouver’s website.
(Monday) 9:45 am - 12:00 pm