Christmas In the Village of Fort Langley takes place Dec 14th, 15th, and 16th December, 10.00am - 6.00pm daily.
This 4th Annual festival event features photos with Santa Claus and his
Event Details
Christmas In the Village of Fort Langley takes place Dec 14th, 15th, and 16th December, 10.00am – 6.00pm daily.
This 4th Annual festival event features photos with Santa Claus and his Elves, live Christmas Music & Singing, Christmas Lights, 50 vendors presenting everything form Christmas Baking Special Foods & Spices, Christmas flowers & Home Decorations, custom jewelry, gifts, natural local sheepskin slippers, woollens for babies & adults, BC Craft wines, Spirits & beers, hot & spicy foods, and much more. Win a grand door-prize of a Christmas Farmers’ Prize Basket with a big turkey from JD Farms, and much more to be announced. Admission by donation.